Our Services

"Dr. Frederick and her staff went above and beyond to make us feel comfortable throughout the entire process."
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a treatment for infertility in which sperm are washed, processed and concentrated prior to placement in the uterus. IUI is a first line treatment for women with cervical factor infertility. The cervical mucus may be too thick or thin or it may not be present in adequate quantities. Sometimes the woman's immune system mistakes sperm for invading germs. When this happens her body dispatches its natural defense mechanisms to destroy the sperm just as if it were a bacteria or virus.
IVF has literally made possible thousands of healthy births from couples previously considered infertile. Long-range studies indicate there is no increased risk for birth defects or other abnormalities in children born from the procedure. HRC Fertility’s IVF success rates exceed the national averages.
Several years ago, a couple of centers reported that if a woman had an FSH level over 15, her success rate with in vitro fertilization (IVF) was zero. Since then, most physicians held strongly to this belief when advising women as to their best options for having children. Over the years, this hypothesis was challenged based on the belief that nature provides a mechanism for selecting good eggs that is overridden by the strong stimulation protocols used in conventional IVF. The concept of “minimal” cycle IVF has developed as a result of this work, and it has been shown that women with poor prognosis, like high FSH levels, can conceive viable pregnancies.
HRC Fertility Clinics are dedicated to helping the gay and lesbian community achieve their dreams of parenthood. We offer many fertility procedures so all family types, regardless of marital status or sexual orientation can have the opportunity to become parents.
Surrogacy is emerging as a popular option for helping people with fertility issues start or grow their families.
A surrogate is a woman who carries and delivers a baby for an infertile couple, and can be a friend, family member or volunteer. All surrogates undergo extensive physical and psychological screening to insure their suitability.
There are many important decisions to make prior to choosing a surrogate. You need to understand — and be prepared for — the costs involved for the whole process. You and your partner must also decide whether to use your own egg and sperm, or if you need a donor. You will then choose a clinic that can best address all your needs.
Donor egg in vitro fertilization (IVF) has allowed thousands of otherwise infertile couples to create families. Donor eggs are usually needed when woman's eggs will not fertilize and develop properly due to age, genetic abnormalities, damage from treatments such as cancer therapy, premature menopause or unexplained infertility. With egg donation, the father contributes genetically and the recipient mother carries the baby, experiencing the joys of pregnancy and of giving birth.
Donor egg IVF is often required by women in their mid to late 30s and those in their 40s. Unfortunately, there is a direct correlation between increasing female age and declining fertility. Donor eggs taken from a woman in her 20s are much more likely to result in pregnancy than a cycle without donor eggs in a 42-year-old woman.
Couples that have completed their miracle family with the help of in vitro fertilization sometimes have embryos remaining in cryo-preservation. With their grateful hearts they decided to anonymously donate these precious embryos to other couples struggling to conceive. Adopting couples are able to accept these embryos, experience all the joys and milestones throughout pregnancy and achieve the family they always dreamed of. If you would like to learn more about our program, please contact Heather Greiner - HeatherD@havingbabies.com.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a wonderful option for people who are at risk of transmitting a genetic disease to their children. PGD allows the physician and embryologist to determine if an embryo carries a specific disease based on its genetic composition.
PGD testing is used to screen for abnormal numbers of chromosomes, broken or damaged chromosomes, and other anomalies, including:
Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
Tay Sachs Disease
Hemophilia A and B
Sickle Cell Anemia
Gaucher's Disease
PGD performed on a woman's embryos for the most common chromosomal problems enables the physician and couple to determine which embryos will most likely result in a healthy, ongoing pregnancy. Additionally, for couples that have failed IVF cycles for unexplained reasons, preimplantation genetic diagnosis may provide important information in the determination of the cause(s) of the failures. PGD can also be used for gender selection.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a specialized form of in vitro fertilization (IVF), and is used primarily for the treatment of severe cases of male infertility.
ICSI refers to a lab procedure where a single sperm is picked with a fine glass needle and is injected directly into each egg. This is carried out by experienced embryologists using specialized equipment. Very few sperm are required and the ability of the sperm to penetrate the egg is no longer important as this has been assisted by the ICSI technique.
A woman’s age is the most important factor affecting fertility. A woman is born with all of the eggs she will ever have, and over time due to ovulation and the natural process of cell loss called atresia, her egg count will decline. In addition, her egg quality will diminish due to the accumulation of chromosomal abnormalities in an egg over time. Due to this process, a woman’s chance at conceiving will decrease gradually from age 30-35. And after age 40 there is a sharp decline in fertility leading to decreased conception and increased miscarriage rates.
Freezing eggs can help to preserve your ability to have a child in the future since the number and quality of eggs are frozen in time.
If little or no sperm are found in a man’s ejaculate, sperm retrieval procedures are necessary. A blockage of the ejaculatory system (obstructive azoospermia) or failure of sperm production in the testicle (non-obstructive azoospermia) will necessitate sperm retrieval.
Obstructive azoospermia is often caused by a prior vasectomy. However, a history of prior infection, hernia repair with mesh or other surgery on the testicles can also create problems.
Non-obstructive azoospermia may occur because of prior testicle infections, genetic conditions or hormone abnormalities, all issues can interrupt the production of normal sperm within the testicle. Fortunately, normal sperm production can occur even with these conditions.